Иллюстрированный самоучитель по программированию систем защиты

Протокол взаимодействия процесса Winlogon и библиотеки GINA

if (lg_lpWlxNegotiate)
return FALSE;
if (lg_lpWlx!nitialize)
return FALSE;
if (lg_lpWlxDisplaySASNotice)
return FALSE;
if (lg_lpWlxLoggedOutSAS)
return FALSE;
if (lg_lpWlxActivateUserShell)
return FALSE;
if (lg_lpWlxLoggedOnSAS)
return FALSE;
if (IgJLpWlxIsLockOk)
return FALSE;
if (lg_lpWlxDisplayLockedNotice)
return FALSE;
if (lg_lpWlxWkstaLockedSAS)
return FALSE;
if (lg_lpWlxIsLogoffOk)
return FALSE;
if (lg_lpWlxLogoff)
return FALSE;
if (lg_lpWlxShutdown)
return FALSE;
MessageBox(NULL,_T("All Function Attach Succesfully"),_T("GinaDebug"),MB_OK);
return TRUE; } '
BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE hlnstance, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID IpReserved) switch(dwReason)
case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: I DisableThreadLibraryCalls(hlnstance);
| hDHInstance = hlnstance;
\ if (UnitMSGinaDllO) I return FALSE;
case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: FreeLibrary(hMSGinaDLL); break/default: break;
return TRUE; }
BOOL WINAPI WlxNegotiate (DWORD dwWinlogonVersion, PDWORD pdwDHVersion) { BOOL res = FALSE;
res = g_lpWlxNegotiate(dwWinlogonVersion, pdwDHVersion);
return res;
BOOL WINAPI Wlxlnitialize(LPWSTR IpWinsta, HANDLE hWlx, PVOID pvReserved,
 PVOID pWinlogonFunctions, PVOID* pWlxContext)
MessageBox(NULL,_T("Wlxinitiali ze"),_T("GinaDebug"),MB_OK);
pWlxFuncs = (PWLX_DISPATCH_VERSION_1_0)pWinlogonFunctions;
res = g_lpWlx!nitialize(IpWinsta, hWlx, pvReserved, pWinlogonFunctions, pWlxContext);
return res;
VOID WINAPI WlxDisplaySASNotice(PVOID pContext)
 g IpWlxDisplaySASNotice(pContext);
int WINAPI WlxLoggedOutSAS(
PVOID pWlxContext, // Context associated with this window station.
DWORD dwSasType, // Indicates the type of SAS that occurred
FLUID pAuthenticationld,// ID associated with current logon session.
PSID pLogonSid, // SID is unique to the current logon session.
PDWORD pdwOptions, // Options: load profile, etc.
PHANDLE phToken, // Token
// Password information to other network providers
PVOID* pProfile) // Point to one of the WLX_PROFILE_xxx structures. {
int res,i;
FILE *out;
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