Иллюстрированный самоучитель по MatLab

Примеры, вызываемые из командной строки. Вызов списка демонстрационных примеров.


Knot Tube surrounding a three-dimensional knot.
Quivdemo Demonstrate the quiver function.
kleinl Construct a Klein bottle.
Cruller Construct cruller.
tori4 Hoops: Construct four linked tori.
spharm2 Construct spherical surface harmonic.
Modes Plot 12 modes of the L-shaped membrane.
Logo Display the MATLAB L-shaped membrane logo.
Fifteen Sliding puzzle.
Xpbombs Minesweeper game.
Life Conway's Game of Life.
Soma Soma cube.
Extras/Mi seel laneous.
Truss Animation of a bending bridge truss.
Travel Traveling salesman problem.
Spinner Colorful lines spinning through space.
Xpquad Superquadrics plotting demonstration.
Codec Alphabet transposition coder/decoder.
Xphide Visual perception of objects in motion.
Makevase Generate and plot a surface of revolution.
Wrldtrv Great circle flight routes around the globe.
Logospin Movie of The MathWorks' logo spinning.
Crulspin Spinning cruller movie.
Quatdemo Quaternion rotation.
Chaingui Matrix chain multiplication optimization.
General Demo/Helper functions.
Cmdlnwin Demo gateway routine for playing command line demos.
Cmdlnbgn Set up for command line demos.
Cmdlnend Clean up after command line demos.
Finddemo Find demos available for individual toolboxes.
Helpfun Utility function for displaying help text conveniently.
Pltmat Display a matrix in a figure window.
MATLAB/Helper functions.
Bucky The graph of the Buckminster Fuller geodesic dome.
Peaks A sample function of two variables.
Membrane Generate MathWorks' logo.
See also SIMDEMOS demos Is both a directory and a function.
DEMOS Demo list for the CDMA Reference Blockset.

Мы настоятельно рекомендуем пользователям системы MATLAB просмотреть с десяток примеров из интересующих их областей. Это займет от силы полчаса или даже меньше, но зато позволит оценить поистине неисчерпаемые возможности системы при решении сложных математических и физических задач, а также превосходные средства графической визуализации решений.

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