Примеры, вызываемые из командной строки. Вызов списка демонстрационных примеров.
Extras/Gallery. | |
Knot | Tube surrounding a three-dimensional knot. |
Quivdemo | Demonstrate the quiver function. |
kleinl | Construct a Klein bottle. |
Cruller | Construct cruller. |
tori4 | Hoops: Construct four linked tori. |
spharm2 | Construct spherical surface harmonic. |
Modes | Plot 12 modes of the L-shaped membrane. |
Logo | Display the MATLAB L-shaped membrane logo. |
Extras/Games. | |
Fifteen | Sliding puzzle. |
Xpbombs | Minesweeper game. |
Life | Conway's Game of Life. |
Soma | Soma cube. |
Extras/Mi seel laneous. | |
Truss | Animation of a bending bridge truss. |
Travel | Traveling salesman problem. |
Spinner | Colorful lines spinning through space. |
Xpquad | Superquadrics plotting demonstration. |
Codec | Alphabet transposition coder/decoder. |
Xphide | Visual perception of objects in motion. |
Makevase | Generate and plot a surface of revolution. |
Wrldtrv | Great circle flight routes around the globe. |
Logospin | Movie of The MathWorks' logo spinning. |
Crulspin | Spinning cruller movie. |
Quatdemo | Quaternion rotation. |
Chaingui | Matrix chain multiplication optimization. |
General Demo/Helper functions. | |
Cmdlnwin | Demo gateway routine for playing command line demos. |
Cmdlnbgn | Set up for command line demos. |
Cmdlnend | Clean up after command line demos. |
Finddemo | Find demos available for individual toolboxes. |
Helpfun | Utility function for displaying help text conveniently. |
Pltmat | Display a matrix in a figure window. |
MATLAB/Helper functions. | |
Bucky | The graph of the Buckminster Fuller geodesic dome. |
Peaks | A sample function of two variables. |
Membrane | Generate MathWorks' logo. |
See also SIMDEMOS demos Is both a directory and a function. | |
DEMOS Demo list for the CDMA Reference Blockset. |
Мы настоятельно рекомендуем пользователям системы MATLAB просмотреть с десяток примеров из интересующих их областей. Это займет от силы полчаса или даже меньше, но зато позволит оценить поистине неисчерпаемые возможности системы при решении сложных математических и физических задач, а также превосходные средства графической визуализации решений.